Teaching Assistant/Reader Application -
Department of Evolution and Ecology
Thank you for our interest in teaching assistant and/or reader positions with the Department of Evolution and Ecology. Please carefully read all of the information below to apply for a teaching assistant or reader position with the Department of Evolution and Ecology. The Department of Evolution and Ecology administers all EVE, and BIS 2B courses. Applicants must re-apply each year.
Application Deadlines for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
Priority Deadline is April 2, 2024.
Standard Deadline: You are welcome to submit an application after the April 2, 2024, primary deadline. Applications received after April 2, 2024, will be considered on an as needed basis.
EVE Application Process:
- EVE Application Deadlines: The priority deadline for the 2024-2025 academic year is Monday, April 2, 2024. Applications received after April 2, will be reviewed and considered on an as needed basis.
- How to Apply/Required Documents:
- Application: Complete the EVE TA Application via fillable PDF.
- TOEFL, IELTS, Speak or TOEP tests (if applicable): For International students: Oral proficiency in English must be demonstrated by meeting one or more of the following requirements: Achieving a minimum score of 26 on the speaking subset of the TOEFL iBT; Achieving a minimum score of 8 on the speaking subset of the IELTS; Achieving a “Pass” on the TOEP. There can be no exceptions to this campus requirement. Requirements are here: https://iae.ucdavis.edu/graduate/qualify. Photocopies are acceptable. Ask your graduate coordinator for copies if you do not have copies. (These would have been submitted with your graduate admission application.)
- Transcripts: Submit transcripts from all prior colleges and universities attended. Additionally, submit your UC Davis graduate transcript. If you do not have copies, you may obtain your UC Davis transcript in the following manner, and both the 'official' and 'unofficial' transcript versions are acceptable: Log in to MyUCDavis; choose the "Academics" tab ; click on Student Records; and choose either the "Unofficial Transcript" or the "Official Transcript" link - your choice. (The Official Transcript takes you to a third party vendor where you can choose to have that transcript emailed to you.) Please DO NOT submit transcripts from SISWEB/Schedule builder.
- Teaching Evaluations (if applicable): A limited sampling of previous teaching evaluation summaries - no more than three. (Specifically... No more than three evaluation summaries is preferred.)
- Advancement to Candidacy Form (if applicable)
- Your List of Courses (a list of courses from those we are offering that you feel qualified to teach with a very brief statement of your qualifications for each particular course - see note under #5. on the Word application itself).
Questions? Contact: Sherri Mann, Department of Evolution and Ecology, smmann@ucdavis.edu.
The following is the list of courses the Department of Evolution and Ecology plans to offer during the 2024-2025 academic year to which applicants may apply to:

TA Orientation UC Davis:
Per Campus Guidelines: All graduate students are required to attend the UC Davis campus TA Orientation before being offered/assigned a TA appointment.
“All first-time Teaching Assistants at UC Davis are required to attend a campuswide TA orientation https://cee.ucdavis.edu/tao. This orientation introduces new TAs to teaching at UC Davis, what is expected of TAs, and what TAs can expect in terms of instructional support and TA training.”
(from the APM and the TA appointment notification letter)
Salary Point and Related TA Information:
Beginning Fall 2023, the experience based salary wage schedule shall be implemented and teaching assistant and instructor in_ will be placed on these new scales. See Article 32A, General Wages, under section C.1. Please visit the Graduate Studies FAQs page for additional information. Current salary scales are available on the Graduate Studies website: https://grad.ucdavis.edu/understanding-your-student-salary.
Teaching Assistant Salary Points:
As of 10/1/2023, available here - https://grad.ucdavis.edu/understanding-your-student-salary - and stated as follows:
Salary Point 1: 0-2 quarters of teaching experience at UCD greater than or equal to 25%
Salary Point 2: 3-5 quarters of teaching experience at UCD greater than or equal to 25%
Salary Point 3: 6+ quarters of teaching experience at UCD greater than or equal to 25%
Please note these points as well from the Graduate Studies FAQs page:
Q: Do summer session TA appointments count towards the ASE experience-based quarter count to move to the next salary level?
A: No they do not, only Fall, Winter & Spring Quarter TA experience counts. (Reader, Tutor, and Summer Sessions appointments do not count toward the ASE experience-based quarter count.)
Q: Does TA experience at a different university count towards their overall experience?
A: TA and AI teaching experience is counted from the same campus. Therefore, only teaching experience at UCD is counted.
Key Points Defined
- Teaching Assistant (TA):
May be appointed up to 50% employment (20 hours per week) during academic quarters (Fall, Winter, and Spring). Duties vary, but may include running lab or discussion sections, holding office hours, and grading papers and exams. The minimum GPA requirement to hold a TA appointment is 3.00. Graduate students may work 15 academic quarters in teaching titles (18 max by exception). Summer appointments are excluded from these limits. In every quarter except Summer, appointment as a TA alone, or in combination with other University employment, may not exceed 50% or 75%. TAs receive a stipend (income) as well as an in-state fee remission. Information available here. - Reader:
Most Reader positions are 25% employment (10 hours per week). This position is sporadically demanding, but the hours tend to be more flexible than a TAship. However, when called to grade exams, you will be expected to turn the material around pursuant to the instructor’s request. The minimum GPA requirement to hold a Readership appointment is 3.00. Graduate students may work 15 academic quarters in teaching titles (18 max by exception). Summer appointments are not included as quarters for purposes of computing the quarter limits. - TA and Reader Assignments/Tasks: As campus and EVE/BIS 2B course instruction is all in-person, teaching assistant and reader tasks for EVE and BIS 2B courses will be in-person as well.
- Graduate student employment: is outlined in the Graduate Studies Graduate Student Employment Handbook - GS-200, Rev. 4/13; the Academic Personnel Manual - Appendix II-B; and APM 410-17c.Information is also avaialabe on the graduate studies website: https://grad.ucdavis.edu/current-students/employment/student-teaching-research.
- Fee Remission: To be eligible for fee remission, the position must be 25% time or more. All in-state fees, except local fees, are covered as a benefit of TA or Readership employment of 25% time or more. Fee remission information can be found on the Budget and Institutional Analysis web site: Current Student Fees.
- Salary information: Teaching Assistant and Reader pay scales are regulated by the United Auto Workers (UAW) union contract. TAs are paid a set monthly stipend. Readers are paid hourly. The current pay scales for these positions are available on the Graduate Studies web site: Current UAW Salary Scales.
- UAW Contract: TAs and Readers are covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Please refer to the University of California Office of President web site for details: UAW Contract (BX).
College of Biological Sciences Teaching Assistant Application: To apply to more than one Department within the College of Biological Sciences, you must submit separate applications as required. Be sure to follow each department's instructions and requirements for supplemental information (if applicable).
An offer of a teaching assistantship or readership represents a commitment to you on the part of our department and faculty. We urge you to reciprocate by honoring the commitment you make to us when you agree to take the teaching assistant or reader position.
For more information regarding TA and Reader appointments in the Department of Evolution and Ecology, contact Graduate Coordinator.
Last updated: January 2024
Other Teaching Assistant Opportunities
There are teaching assistant and reader opportunities across campus. General information on student teaching is available from Graduate Studies here.
Please visit our very helpful College of Biological Sciences site - https://biology.ucdavis.edu/graduate/funding/ta - for an additional listing of teaching assistant and reader opportunities by department.