Graduate Student Affiliate Membership

How to Apply, Continued Membership, and Membership Termination

Affiliate membership in the CPB is perfectly aligned with the core concept of graduate group education. Our mission is to bring together like-minded graduate students from a broad range of graduate groups with interests in population biology. Our goal is to foster interaction across departmental lines and encourage the exchange of ideas among our diverse faculty, postdoc, and student members.


Candidates for membership must be brought to the attention of the CPB Steering Committee by a current faculty member of the CPB (hereafter faculty sponsor). Students may not self-nominate. Nominations are accepted during the annual call for membership in October of each year.

There are three pathways to becoming a grad student Affiliate:

  1. admission to the Population Biology Graduate Group (GPOP).
  2. nomination of non-GPOP students by their major professor, who are faculty members of the CPB.
  3. nomination of non-GPOP students by a CPB faculty member who is NOT the student's major professor.

Application Packet

Candidates are required to submit a complete dossier, which contains:

  • a current CV.
  • a UC Davis transcript (if applicable).
  • GRE scores.
  • a brief introduction by the candidate explaining why he/she wants to be an Affiliate.
  • a short nomination letter from your sponsoring faculty. (Note: Faculty may submit the nomination separate from the application packet if so desired.)
  • please submit the requested materials in either Word or PDF format to the CPB administrative assistant. (CPB will run a UCD transcript and GRE sheet, if applicable.)

At least one CPB faculty member must serve on the Qualifying Exam and Dissertation Committees of each Affiliate. Often, for students working with non-CPB faculty, this will be the CPB faculty member who sponsors and nominates the student Affiliate.

Membership Vote

  • CPB Steering Committee: When in receipt of the application packet, the CPB Steering Committee will vote on whether or not to grant Affiliate membership status. A positive two-thirds majority vote is required to achieve membership status.
  • Candidates will be notified via e-mail of their status.
  • With membership comes eligibility for CPB research and travel support.

Continued Membership

  • Annual Review: Affiliate membership is reviewed on an annual basis. During the review, Affiliates will be asked to describe their participation in CPB activities during the prior year.
  • Participation: The measure of participation is described as (but not limited to) attending the weekly Tuesday CPB Seminar Series, presenting a seminar, and participation in our Visiting Scholar workshops, committee membership, Monte Carlo seminars, and field trips.
  • Please note that participation is a measure used when determining CPB research and travel support requests.

Termination of Membership

Affiliate membership will be reviewed each year, at which time Affiliate members will be sent a form that allows them to catalog their contributions to the CPB over the preceding year. The form also asks if they wish to continue their membership in the CPB. The review will give them a convenient opportunity to drop their membership. Note: Affiliates that drop membership will also forfeit any remaining research and travel funds awarded during their time of membership.

Other members may be dropped for not completing the requirements for continued membership, as outlined above in "Continued Membership".